Friday, June 7, 2013

THE W-WORD: Optional?! (Don't Worry, Parents, We're Not Eloping)

My good friend Scott just told me about some friends of his who decided not to call their big day a wedding, but instead avoided THE W WORD altogether by inviting friends and family to join them in celebrating THE FIRST DAY OF THEIR MARRIAGE.


So. Brilliant.

(Especially as stress around THE W WORD is starting to trickle in a bit, I'm, like, totally head over heels for this idea. I mean, we'll see. But good God, that sounds healthy. It's not about a one-day-W-word. It's about every freakin' day, for keepsies.)


  1. Bob and I talk about someday having a "Celebration of Love" that we invite people to, but not getting married. We'd just trick people into thinking we were, so I could justify buying a lot of flowers, and we'd get presents.

    I know this would be wrong to do.

    If you ever get an invite to join us for a celebration of love, don't be fooled.

  2. It does sound healthy, doesn't it? (Unlike the Honeymoon Cookies, which do not sound healthy, just delicious!)

  3. I love this!! It's never about one day, it's about every day. I look forward to reading your blog going forward. I love the first entry. It tells me all I'll ever need to know about your fiancé and why you are marrying him! Amy Stanley
